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百塩茶(ももしおちゃ Momoshiocha)

Color information for 百塩茶(ももしおちゃ Momoshiocha)

Image 百塩茶(ももしおちゃ Momoshiocha)
HEX #542D24
RGB R:84 G:45 B:36
RGB percentage R:32.9% G:17.6% B:14.1%
HSV H:11.2 S:57.1 V:32.9
HSL H:11.2 S:40.0 L:23.5
CMY C:67.1 M:82.4 Y:85.9
CMYK C:0.0 M:46.4 Y:57.1 K:67.1
YCbCr Y:63.8 Cb:118.3 Cr:145.8
XYZ X:4.9 Y:3.9 Z:2.2
xyY x:0.448 y:0.355 Y:3.9
CIE Lab L*:23.3 a*:16.8 b*:13.6
CIE LCh L*:23.3 C*:21.7 h:38.9
CIE Luv L*:35.1 u*:38.3 v*:15.4
Hunter Lab L:19.7 a:10.0 b:7.3

List of colors by saturation of 百塩茶(ももしおちゃ Momoshiocha)

List of colors by brightness of 百塩茶(ももしおちゃ Momoshiocha)