Color Sample
You can see a list of 16 basic HTML colors, safe colors, color samples of Japanese names, and color samples by hue, saturation, and lightness, including color codes.
The X11 color name is the string used to represent a color in the X Window System.
It is a list of colors that can be specified by color name other than hexadecimal notation in HTML.
WEB safe colors are 216 colors that are not easily affected by the environment such as PCs and browsers.
JIS customary color names are customary color names specified in the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS Z 8102: 2001 object color color names).
This is a color sample that displays a list of Japanese color names in Japanese.
This is a color sample that displays a list of color names in English.
A list of color samples and color codes when the hue is changed little by little is displayed.
A list of color samples and color codes when the saturation is changed little by little is displayed.
A list of color samples and color codes when the brightness is changed little by little is displayed.
A list of color samples and color codes when the hue and saturation are changed little by little is displayed.
A list of color samples and color codes when the hue and brightness are changed little by little is displayed.
A list of color samples and color codes when the saturation and lightness are changed little by little is displayed.
Creates a rainbow color swatch based on the specified color.