About color-site.com

You can see a list of color names, color codes, color samples, etc. used in HTML and CSS.
One page for each color code displays detailed RGB and HSV values, hue, saturation, color list by brightness, and sample color codes such as tone-on-tone and contrast, which can be used for various purposes.
You can also easily analyze the colors of locally stored images and display them in RGB on the web, or convert the RGB colors and HSV hexadecimal numbers and display them.

Color Picker

Convenient Tool

You can check color information such as photos on the WEB and convert RGB and HSV color codes.

Search by Color

You can see a list of color samples and color names that are similar to the color family.

Color Scheme

You can see the color schemes of various colors and check the combination of the color schemes from the specified color.

Random Color

Color Sample Color Code Color component
Hexadecimal (red, green, blue)
Color component
Decimal (red, green, blue)
Color name
#007BA7 00 7B A7 0 123 167 Cerulean
#5F161D 5F 16 1D 95 22 29 Bordeaux
#FF5500 FF 55 00 255 85 0 Mystic Red
#EDE6D6 ED E6 D6 237 230 214 White Chocolate
#6C541E 6C 54 1E 108 84 30 Field Drab
#CE1127 CE 11 27 206 17 39 Philippine Red
#7F1184 7F 11 84 127 17 132 貝紫色Kaimurasakiiro (かいむらさきいろ)