About color-site.com

You can see a list of color names, color codes, color samples, etc. used in HTML and CSS.
One page for each color code displays detailed RGB and HSV values, hue, saturation, color list by brightness, and sample color codes such as tone-on-tone and contrast, which can be used for various purposes.
You can also easily analyze the colors of locally stored images and display them in RGB on the web, or convert the RGB colors and HSV hexadecimal numbers and display them.

Color Picker

Convenient Tool

You can check color information such as photos on the WEB and convert RGB and HSV color codes.

Search by Color

You can see a list of color samples and color names that are similar to the color family.

Color Scheme

You can see the color schemes of various colors and check the combination of the color schemes from the specified color.

Random Color

Color Sample Color Code Color component
Hexadecimal (red, green, blue)
Color component
Decimal (red, green, blue)
Color name
#9400D3 94 00 D3 148 0 211 Dark Violet
#3DDC84 3D DC 84 61 220 132 Android Green
#6F51A1 6F 51 A1 111 81 161 青紫Aomurasaki (あおむらさき)
#66FF00 66 FF 00 102 255 0 Booger Buster
#FF33CC FF 33 CC 255 51 204 Razzle Dazzle Rose
#F2F3F4 F2 F3 F4 242 243 244 Anti-flash White
#006956 00 69 56 0 105 86 Teal Green