Color Picker
A color swatch of the color specified in the color picker is displayed on the right. Clicking on that color will also display a color scheme sample.
Detailed information such as the color code of the selected color and HSV, HSL, CMYK is also displayed below.
Color Picker
HEX | #3BC469 |
RGB | R:59 G:196 B:105 |
RGB(Hexadecimal) | R:3B G:C4 B:69 |
RGB percentage | R:23.1% G:76.9% B:41.2% |
HSV | H:140.1 S:69.9 V:76.9 |
HSL | H:140.1 S:53.7 L:50.0 |
CMY | C:76.9 M:23.1 Y:58.8 |
CMYK | C:69.9 M:0.0 Y:46.4 K:23.1 |
YCbCr | Y:140.2 Cb:108.3 Cr:74.3 |
XYZ | X:24.1 Y:41.4 Z:20.1 |
xyY | x:0.281 y:0.484 Y:41.4 |
CIE Lab | L*:70.5 a*:-56.3 b*:35.2 |
CIE LCh | L*:70.5 C*:66.4 h:148.0 |
CIE Luv | L*:70.5 u*:-56.3 v*:54.9 |
Hunter Lab | L:64.4 a:-45.8 b:26.5 |